Starting a New Chapter

Hiiii friends!! I'm super stoked to share my next career move with you...I'm now self employed! If you know me, this shouldn't be too surprising since I've been running my business while working full time for years now. I've never given myself the chance to take the plunge and see where the business could go if I put 100% of my efforts in. It was a tough decision to leave my job at Nurse Next Door, especially because I was doing work that I love...filmmaking!  

I did a post a couple months ago about how I've been amping up my side business. For the past 3 months, besides when my mom was in town, I have been working 7 days a week to get this business off the ground. I've never put so much effort it something. While I thought it was sustainable to work two jobs, in the end I just got burnt out. I'm in the position now where I have enough work lined up to keep me going so one weekend after listening to the #AskGaryVee book and shit tonne of Gary Vaynerchuk podcasts, I had the confidence to make the decision of leaving my job to give my business the chance it deserves. 

So, today is day 1. Since I love to document the crap out of everything I'm going go to share the ups and downs of what it's like to make the switch from employee to business owner. I'll be pumping out wayyyy more content on here, so if you're not following me on Instagram or Facebook and want to receive updates on new posts, follow & like me page below :) 




Road Trip Down the Oregon Coast


The Side Hustle